Australia 1943s Florin Wrong Planchet Error Struck on US War Nickel Planchet PCGS MS64
Coin Type: | Australia Florin Struck on War Nickel Planchet Error |
Grade: | PCGS MS64 |
Year: | 1943 |
Mint: | San Francisco |
Metal: | Silver |
Mass (approx): | 5g |
Certificate Number: | 35691156 |
Obverse: | George VI (Thomas Paget) |
Reverse: | Coat of Arms (George Kruger Gray) |
A rare and super top quality pre-decimal error graded by PCGS. This florin was struck in San Francisco (USA) on a planchet intended for 5 gram 35% silver USA Wartime Nickel. The San Francisco Mint was striking coins for Australia in 1943 and struck both shillings and florins (along with sixpences and threepences). The under-sized blank did not fill the collar die fully and much of the design is missing. It shows metal flow particularly noticeable particularly in the obverse legends. Read about wrong planchet coin errors here.