In some rather exciting news Kathryn and I have obtained an Olympus Vanta XRF metal testing device for use in The Purple Penny. This rather nifty device will allow us to non destructively test coins and other precious metals and adds a real string to our bow here in the shop.

You can see our new Vanta XRF tester above. This will allow us to:
- More easily determine authenticity of silver and gold coins.
- Easily check the gold or silver content of coins.
- Check the gold or silver content of bullion.
- Provide our customers with certainty when they are purchasing gold or silver from us.
- Allow us to purchase broken jewellery, scrap gold, and scrap silver.
- Test things very quickly (less than 15 seconds) and non-destructively (no acid, no water, no scratching).
When we test something metallic we get a read-out that you can see below. This is easily read and understood and provides you (and us) with certainty when we are buying or selling gold or silver.